Client Stories

Welcome to the Axim Blog.

Over the years, we at Axim have helped our clients resolve their unique needs and business problems. Similar to how each client problem is unique, so is the solution we provide. We always wondered how we could share our experiences with you. Writing client stories, we thought, might be a way to do so.

So, our Blog.

About once a month, we will present to you, in the form of a story, a problem that a client faced and how we helped them. We start today by telling you about our philosophy … in the form of (what else?) a story! 🙂

Our Philosophy

Our Philosophy

BREVITY CHECK: A 2 MINUTE READ This story exemplifies the spirit with which we work at Axim... A man was asked to paint a boat. He brought his paint and brushes and began to paint the boat a bright red color, as the owner asked him. While painting, he noticed a small...

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A True Story About Our Mistake

A True Story About Our Mistake

BREVITY CHECK: A 4 MINUTE READ I’m not sure if I should share this story. When you go to a company’s website, you expect to read nothing but good news. The copy is written to convince you that there is nobody better to solve your problem, ease your pain or boost your...

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How Walt Got His Google Groove Back

How Walt Got His Google Groove Back

The journey had started out fine. Clear skies, favorable winds and smooth seas. Standing on deck, Walt watched his vessel cut through the water. He was making excellent time. He felt the wind in his hair and the salty spray on his face. It was such a good day that...

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Building a Software Bridge

Building a Software Bridge

Some blind men were taken to an elephant. None of them had ever encountered an elephant. But  so they take turns describing the beast. One happened to put his hand on the elephant's side. "Well, well!" he said, "now I know all about this beast. He is exactly like a...

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